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Alumni Game Results 2002
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The 2002 Drury Alumni Baseball Game


The line up:

Even Years:

Coach Jim Morris 84
Coach Al Marceau 90

Rick Dupee 94

Karl Belouin 84

Chip Manuel 94

Dave DeSanty 94

Glenn Boyer 78

Dave Racette 72

Chris Moulton 92

Matt Boyer 88

Mike McDonough 76

Bryan Casuscelli 90

Mike Pytko 72

Mike Felix 90

Mark Iacuessa 88

Derek Rougeau 74

Rob Stack 92


Odd Years:

Coach Mark Moulton 87

Coach Pat Boulger 93

Mike Girard 85

Rob Wilson 91

Frank Casuscelli 69

Dick Lamb 67

Bob Ferris 97

Mark Folino 87

Chris Mullen 93

Brien Pytko 93

Tom Roberts 97

Steve Lewitt 91

Dan Trudeau 91

Kevin Bullett 73

Matt Boillat 99

Jamie Dupee 95

The coaches will be Mark Moulton/Pat Boulger and Jim Morris/Al Marceau. Lets get the word out and have them contact me if they are going to play. My email address is tmcgrath20@hotmail.com or they can call me at home at 413-6662-2259 or at school at 413-662-3240 X6.

I am pleased to announce that a "very good" friend of the Drury Alumni Baseball team has made another "very generous" contribution to the event. Len Scafidi from Hallendale, Florida has made a nice contribution to help pay for the "Drury Baseball Team", mesh shorts that will be given to each Alumni participating in the game. Len is a coach with the USA All-Star team and he wanted to help make the event a special day for all involved. OUR THANKS TO LENNY!!!!!!!

Do not forget about the party Saturday evening at the Pitchers Mound Pub beginning at 6:30. The Pub is owned and operated by Jack Rivard.


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